Saturday, June 8, 2013

Let's hear it from the boys!

On Sunday, June 2nd, I recorded the boys' thoughts on a possible upcoming referral this week.  Unfortunately, the referral hasn't happened yet.   China's new computer system is having glitches, and now next week China has a national holiday (Dragon Boat Festival) from June 10th-12th.   We're probably looking at the third or fourth week of June for a referral.

So, here are the videos (minus Tru's reaction since he had a 2 year old non cooperative moment when we decided to film him):

(As an aside, I don't normally think I sound THAT Southern until I hear myself on video.  My goodness!)

It will be quite interesting is if we get our referral the third week of June (the week starting Father's Day).  All of the boys and I will be at camp and will be separated from Matt for that week.  It definitely will not be ideal as far as celebrating a referral because Daddy wouldn't be with us.  Additionally, I volunteer as camp "nurse" (whose not a nurse:) ) so I'll be pretty busy that week and won't have a lot of time to do the necessary things required with processing a referral.  Jacob and Aidan will be busy with all of their activities as well.  So, it seems sort of odd that after 7 years of waiting, there's a pretty good chance our referral may fall on a rare occasion when our family isn't together.  I'm thinking if it happens, we'll ask our agency to do a 3 way call so we can at least hear all of the info at the same time. But, in another way, it would be kind of full circle.  Matt and I met at this same camp, and we would have never imagined many years later being there with our 3 boys ready to accept an adoption referral from China.  I don't think we would have believed it if someone had told us the future.  The good thing if it happens the week of camp is that both of Matt's parents and my Mom will also be at camp that week and so I'll get to personally show them the referral pics.  So, we'll see!  Another week or so of waiting.


  1. That is so sweet interviewing the boys like that. So did you record your call? We had our son sitting in between us while on the phone and included him in the opening of the pictures by email!

    1. Thanks Sherri!! We did record the call and had our oldest 2 there listening right along with us for that and for when we saw her picture (the youngest was napping, which was probably a good thing and I could focus better :). I haven't even gone back to see the video yet, but at some point, I should post part of it.
